We are happy to share that our SAP Business One solution is now PEPPOL-READY!
Electronic invoicing, or e-Invoicing is a nation-wide initiative by IMDA which allows direct transmission of invoices in structured digital format from one finance system to another, creating a seamless business environment. This network is an extension of the International Peppol E-Delivery Network, allowing our enterprises to transact internationally with other linked companies.
With the E-Invoicing network, the invoice data will be integrated between your SAP Business One ERP and your vendor/ customer’s PEPPOL-ready ERP solution. This reduces manual and repetitive tasks, such as generating invoices and emailing to customers/ suppliers.
With effect from 20th January 2020, suppliers to the Singapore Government can submit e-invoices via the Nationwide E-invoicing Network. All suppliers to Government agencies are encouraged to utilise this network.
E-Invoicing acts as a catalyst for accelerating and streamlining the supply chain.
Contact us to find out more!
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